Joined Jun 26, 2019 Posts 284 Reputation 217. Aug 4, 2020 #1 And boneless as heck Good coloring tho + borderline/selfharmmaxxed HowAmIAlive123 out. A Chad is a man who can elicit near-universal positive female sexual attention at will. Joined Feb 10, 2020 Posts 41,442 Reputation 62,657. 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page. Jan 18, 2021 #1 JFL if you believe a single thing this man posts. Joined May 16, 2019 Posts 8,785 Reputation 24,564. He left, I ended up alone talking to her on the couch til 5 am. Chadlite Aspies are slayers. . Both of these are very good looking users that consistently slay and are probably the worst bluepillers I have ever seen. Damn Chad has to go to a job. Your just s bit below average at 3. 5 is not even that bad on looksmax. 4. Looksmax. 1,023. Unlike me, she decided to throw away her. Title. L. 5 i think because he's a prettyboy and will descend later on. My sister at the moment is PSL 3 due to being overweight with coloured hair but she can become PSL 4 if she slims down a bit. xl Retired. . Deleted member 20652 Banned. Sub-forums: Spanish (Español) German (Deutsch) French (Français) Turkish (Türkçe) Threads 778 Posts 7. Imagine being a 15 year old chadlite and . OP HTN or Chadlite ? OP Bryan Elyt; Start date Today at 12:13 PM; B. Joined Apr 3, 2022 Posts 2,057 Reputation 1,304. True ascension from incel to chadlite . . He said his eye area is fucked due to physical absue , when asked what exactly happened he said " Both my parents are Asian ". a lot of areas are multicultural too so its not just limited to white boys if girls ever want to spice things up but why would they. JFL Forum giagsimp @fucclife, chadlite ruins his. I have built a potential way for even the normies to looksmax this should be as simple as possible and should have all the resources required to ascend. Joined Jun 20, 2019 Posts 679 Reputation 314. Literally went from nerdy incel to a jock chad. The only plus point is Validation, Halo Effect and regular sex. Jan 9, 2020 #1. He's 183 cm 24 yo u can say he's high tier normie but in motion he look's 1000 times better , he's got INSANE facial harmonyEg I don’t imagine a chadlite being stuck in an office all day Click to expand. Rate this chadlite curry psl . It's over guys. Deleted member 5189 Banned. Offtopic. Describe HTN, chadlite, and chad with words. 5 PSL abused dog. BrotherJawIsLaw Iron. She is subordinate to Stacy in terms of looks and social status. . It's over guys. As a chadlite I get all kinds of reactions from women. OP Rate this Italian chadlite OP Ragazzoanonimo; Start date Aug 21, 2020; Ragazzoanonimo Bronze. Sep 24, 2020 #1. Debating my next surgery after this corona situation gets resolved. TrendingLooksmax. He was not a nerdy incel before. OP Rate me in Chad-lite version. Offtopic. Chad isn't some perfect Bruce Wayne. Looksmax your toilet . is - Involuntary Celibate. Jan 25, 2022 #1 How can someone look skinny when hes buff . Blackpill This is. Looksmax. 6EFA3E87-5EE8-45A9-8DD8-71DDA2EA07CD. Blackpill Here is your real life high appeal chadlite/chad nitesik Jun 26, 2023 nitesik Zephir Joined Mar 4,. 10-20% of them even calls me ugly. Legit most htns are htn and not chadlite because they lack compact midface. In The Matrix, Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) gives Neo (Keanu Reeves) a choice: a red pill that shows reality for what it is, and a blue pill that allows for an existence replete with ignorant comfort. Is this a chadlite. It's over guys. This happened to me. Oct 10, 2022 #1. Joined Feb 10, 2020 Posts. OP mizrahi_hater. Looksmax. Chad isn't some perfect Bruce Wayne. In TRM 6 is HTN, 6. . Feb 27, 2022 #1Looksmax. Rate this vegan chadlite. On top of that he lives in Netherlands. I just cucked a 6’3 chadlite . Title. Forum giagsimp @fucclife, chadlite ruins his life over a LTB . Offtopic. badg96 Zephir. I'm pretty sure it be like anything above 6 is chadlite, anything slightly above 4. This girl was like htb with a nice body but put on some weight being at college so not at. In countries where team sports are popular and associated with high social status, he is often a jock. Pakistani chadlite in front of me. Htb let chadlite hug her. Like I am gonna get rhino but not even the best surgeons can make it look 100% natural. 😭 Honestly life is not even worth it at this point. . Good dude. Looksmaxing. OP Rate me im a chadlite ?? OP Arceustofeus. When you are doing good with them. . Deleted member 24186 Zephir. Joined Sep 27, 2022 Posts 2,106 Reputation 2,500. Is he chadlite?. Normie or chadlite?. Lean JB appeal body and face. Even the foids who give me IOIs and eye-fuck me prefer hanging out with tall flabmaxxed normies rather than me. Feb 6, 2022 #1. OP Rate Chadlite in Tomorrowpeople OP Titbot; Start date Oct 18, 2019; Titbot Zephir. might even be chadlite rn don't know. at 8:08 you can see him in motion, that guy at worst is average he's tall, got a deep voice and a nice hair I wonder why they didn't get actual incel manlet to perform it, you know why they didn't get actual incel to perform? cos no one was gonna watch it jfl even who made that film are. Is he chadlite or chad ? . Literally went from nerdy incel to a jock chad. Brad, by nature, believes that he is at least a Chadlite. Discussion What is this prettyboy chadlite. Looksmax. Grel Hellscream Mouth-breathing, recessed 0. How come Rabid still thinks he has a. This chad and normie thing is the stupidest thing ever and so demeaning. net. 1,366. Joined Dec 17, 2020 Posts 20,478 Reputation 26,171. OP Truecel to Chadlite OP thecel; Start date Jun 20, 2020; thecel blackpilled MtF transmaxer. Looksmax. kys curry faggot cope, im paki. This is a great change but he started at a good point. Looksmaxing. . Discussion Aspie Chad vs NT Chadlite OP Chadeep; Start date Feb 6, 2022; Chadeep Bluepill Philosopher. Literally the best looksmax after leanmaxing and it takes almost no time at all, all you need to do is get a slight tan, increase lip redness, thicken brows. over for my dirty ass . Jul 16, 2021 #1Looksmax. Serious Question to Chadlite Rutherford OP. Blackpill Here is your real life high appeal chadlite/chad nitesik Jun 26, 2023 nitesik Zephir Joined Mar 4, 2022 Posts 2,953 Reputation 3,690 Jun 26, 2023 #1 Guys like him are those who slay irl and 3 others Artemis Zephir Joined Oct 10, 2022 Posts 9,430 Reputation 14,792 Jun 26, 2023 #2 Chadlite-chad. Looksmax. He was not a nerdy incel before. A Pretty Boy is a male who possesses the angel skull of a female, and his sex hormones appear to be in balance. Reactions: MissLexotan6MG, germanlooks. OP aspieSavage; Start date Dec 4, 2020 Dec 4, 2020Looksmax. I. Language-Specific Sections. Discussion How come. . Offtopic. Oct 3, 2020 #1Tyrone-lite mogs Chad-lite with JBs and post-wall roasties alike. Looksmax. Looksmax. Discussion Is this guy chadlite? OP Deleted member 3259; Start date Dec 26, 2019; Deleted member 3259 Zephir. Looksmax. . I think youre totally right. It's over guys. What is this prettyboy chadlite doing? . org | PSL levels | Ethnocels & lookism21:3. Bryan Elyt Iron. Despite balding Im still low inhib NT Chadlite. Offtopic. OP Deleted member 5189; Start date Nov 11, 2020 Nov 11, 2020I'm currently a 5'9 150lbs HTN, but I have a large frame and good proportions overall, would I be able to get to chadlite appeal if I were to use 3 inches. Reactions: Gladiator, Umbra, aBetterMii and 2 others Bvnny. Marco Polo Diamond. Joined Sep 22, 2019 Posts 3,415 Reputation 4,229. 5 is not even that bad on looksmax. Attachments. . Looksmax chadlite goes on tinder in usa | Incels. So I fucked her. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. OP TsarTsar444; Start date Oct 19, 2019 Oct 19, 2019A male high-tier normie is a guy who is slightly better off than a mid-tier normie, but is still below a chadlite in terms of SMV and LMS. Bluepilled simp with two bodies and she’s cheated on him with 4 guys now since they started dating two months ago. . Looksmaxing. ago. What surgerys i need for reach chadlite level? OP badg96; Start date 9 minutes ago; B. I guess im high tier normie rn. Disgust, neutral, and excuses to touch me. Joined Jul 13, 2019 Posts 7,879 Reputation 11,515. 5 good looking. 8K. Then she came onto me extremely hard. Aug 21, 2020 #1. Joined. Looksmaxing is any attempt at improving one's appearance. png. Joined Jul 24, 2022 Posts 91 Reputation 103. A girl. Literally went from nerdy incel to a jock chad. Joined Aug 9, 2022 Posts. And thank you alot for the advice. Sep 30,. "Side effects of rhGH replacement therapy in children and adolescents include rash and pain at injection site, transient fever, prepubertal gynecomastia, arthralgia, edema, benign intracranial hypertension, insulin resistance, progression of scoliosis, and. Looksmaxing. But he is still chadlite because he has compact midface. This is a great change but he started at a good point. My HS Chad (more like chadlite). Nov 20, 2020 #1. D. The only plus point is Validation, Halo Effect and regular sex. Rate British chadlite.