actualy holds 4. EDIT: These are the individual PBO values the 95w mode gives you so might as well give it a try manually if youre having trouble finding the BIOS preset. PPT. If I manually set it to suggested figures found here and elsewhere, like 120, 80, 110 (win repair loop with tdc at 75) I get 100% on PPT and EDC. Some_Cod_47 • 3 mo. (lowered temps, lowerd voltage) just that at idle 5800x just loves to stick around 1. Now, PPT/TDC/EDC usually don't affect lightly threaded workloads at all. Share your power limits 5900x. ppt 120 tdc 75 edc 110 curve optimizer -15 the two worst cores -20 in the two best and the rest of the cores 25. Memory overclocking guide for Zen 3: A guide to ram overclocking on Zen 3. P= U x I Your power supply will deliver 58. A big part of the problem is that motherboards will raise the maximum TDC, EDC and PPT values to effectively infinite values the moment you enable PBO, such as when you're trying out curve undervolting for the first time. 29 01:57. Note the highest TDC and set this value as the TDC limit in the BIOS. if you set pbo power limit to motherboard or increase edc, tdc value, your cpu would still reach 90c in less than a second. I keep EDC at 90 and just adjust PPT upwards as necessary, though you can decide. I get 4. It won’t put out those numbers even under the hardest of loads, but it will get your cpu to boost in all aspects. 6GHz all core and boost to 4. PPT = 142 TDC = 95 EDC = 140. The reason is simple, the default voltages and PPT TDC EDC are way too high, maybe because they're aiming to sustain 500 fps. 2. 9Ghz? vice123 • 8 mo. If the CPU gets too hot with these power settings, try PPT- 165W, TDC – 115A, EDC – 150A. +200MHz PPT 125 TDC 85 EDC 120 -5 all core offset, temps are flawless so didn't bother with more negative offset. Let your CPU reach a steady idle state until you see your absolute minimum idle temp. Also, a 5800x is normally limited to 4. 5800x PBO2, PPT, TDC, EDC settings (high temps) Like fellow 5800x owners, I am also experiencing heat issues with this chip. 5 effective in single performance is 10 percent lower 2) pbo with default PPT, TDC and EDC, scaler 1x, offset, max offset 200Mhz : "boosts" to 4. So 58. Save. #1. 225 to 4. I upped my limit from 60C to 70C, but never really see it hit 70C with the new cooler, I did see higher temps with my NZXT 360, getting the cold plate moved into the right position helps a lot. 2 ghz 1. LLC to 3 . 28/day) Location Texas System Specs Aug 21, 2021 #76 i THINK it is the cpu going bad!???? it passes all test trying to isolate the problem ie. 7 Thanks man 👍. First thing I did was putting it at 88W PPT, 60A TDC and 90A EDC, which is the stock values of a 5600X and basically ECO mode. 8°C 1. That's your power supply wattage. 1% thanks to 3D Cache tech in games that would take advantage of it. : r/overclocking Maybe because the 5800X has a higher 100Hz higher stock boost clock, which probably has differences on how the Auto OC will boost. This setup gave me just under 23k in r23. That's your power supply wattage. We are setting. Without limits it does (248watts - 167 TDC),(228watts @ 160). The ones in RM are the ones I have set in the BIOS. I have applied limits for PPT, TDC, and EDC in the BIOS and am monitoring them in Ryzen Master, but for EDC, it is showing the value as 0% of 0 A. 433A. 1ghz or so in Cinebench R23 compared to the 1. Taken during a prime 95 run. Went from 81c Cinebench runs w/ a score of 15,195 Multi & 1587 Single (144w btw) to 15,186 & 1648 @ 120w with temps at ~72c mid-day ambient temps around 28c both tests. It's not about being well binned bro if i put a -200mhz offset on my 5800X it's gonna run on -30 CO All Core. In case of a Ryzen 7 3800X EDC would have a limit of 140A EDC. ) PBO clock boost: +50Mhz vCore offset: -0. The Temperatures and the noise that I get from the liquid cooling are making me not happy at all. bring those numbers down. Second your edc is way too low for higher boost Vermeer chips tend to like between 160-200a edc. thats whats drawing power. Sure they both have about the same power consumption stock since they're. Some gaming screenshots in there too with a low/medium tier 2070S showing it can reach 3070 performance with better 1% and 0. 5800x3d has lower boost clocks compared to 5800x and especially higher end CPUs like 5950x and because of this it's easier to achieve stable -30 without clock stretching etc. 라이젠 9 5950X는 에코 모드로 인한 온도 하락도 작은 편이라 멀티코어 활용 시. If your 5800x idles at 1. Problem is (and you've also been told this in this thread), the 5800X is specified for the 105w TDP bracket (142w PPT, 95A TDC, 140A EDC), and it needs to dissipate up to that much from a 80mm² piece of silicon. I'm guessing that 200Mhz auto OC on the 5700X is around 4. 85Ghz with a voltage of 1. If you want this thread moved, feel free to move it. The Temperatures and the noise that I get from the liquid cooling are making me not. Joined Feb 3, 2017 Messages. I think that's because AMD (for whatever reason) decided to set same default power/current limits on both: PPT=142W, TDC=95A, EDC=140A. Joined Jun 1, 2021 Messages 87 (0. PPT: 95 TDC: 60 EDC:90 but according to HWinfo my system is using PPT: 165 TDC: 98. Going even beyond that has a negative effect. Edc/tdc won't go above 100/65 no matter what. 0. Simply put, higher TDC usually means higher clocks. PPT Limit: 88000 88 (W) TDC Limit: 75000 75 (A) EDC Limit:. Before getting new cooler wanted to try my good old Hyper 212 RGB BE. 6(c) BIOS 7C35vAC, one can adjust (downwards only) the PPT/TDC/EDC values in the AMD Overclocking section. 8c . Seems the silicone for the more recent 5800X's are pretty good at least for thermals. Yup PPT TDC and EDC. 4%(of limit) suggests a PPT setting of 88W limit. 다만 5800x같은 경우 발열이 꽤 있으므로 아래 12코어의 대장급 공랭 쿨러가 필요하다. I believe your EDC should be = or higher than your TDC. . 4. Hello, I've recently finished up my gaming PC and I have a problem with 5800X, its pretty hot. I am using 200 ppt 140 tdc and 180 edc -30 +200 and she boosts pretty good. I'm getting 75c only pulling in 145 and I'm using an Arctic Liquid Freezer II 280 which is arguably one of the best coolers out there right now for Ryzen (I'm. I’ve had the best luck on several 5800x by setting PPT to 105w, tdc 80a, edc. 4, I have set the following things: PPT: 120 TDC: 90 EDC: 110 But with Ryzen Master it shows the following: PPT: 95 (min 70, max 1,000)So I'm under vaulting my 5800x using the curve optimizer but I've seen some people say to to completely disable pbo limits, I've seen other people say use values like pot/tdc/edc 120/75/130, I've also seen tdc set to 140 and edc 120 then they never mention ppt. 6(c) BIOS 7C35vAC, one can adjust (downwards only) the PPT/TDC/EDC values in the AMD Overclocking section. PPT and TDC are both in the 80-90% range. Hi, I'm trying to undervolt and overclock my Ryzen 5800x, but unfortunately I can't set the PPT, TDC and EDC MAX values like in all the tutorials. : r/overclocking Maybe because the 5800X has a higher 100Hz higher stock boost clock, which probably has differences on how the Auto OC will boost. Those PBO settings (PPT 150, TDC 115, EDC 130) are holding down my temps. 8). PPT - 250 TDC - 170 EDC - 190 Single core: 4,955-5,012 (score of ,1631) Multi. Use the curve optimizer and tweak the PPT, EDC, and TDC values in the BIOS if you want to lower the temps with no performance loss. 6 (best I saw was 4. you can change your PBO limits to something lower. I don't understand but my 5800x with artic liquid freezer 240, stays in gaming never passes 60ºc and on r23 multi 72ºc. By the reported percentages of "CPU PPT/TDC/EDC Limits" and the reported values of "CPU PPT/TDC/EDC", I can say that you have some wierd (manual?) PBO settings. Set them limits high (perhaps to "Motherboard"), run a multi-threaded workload starting with a low thread count (2×) and working your way up while monitoring your clocks to see when your CPU will hit its throttling temp. In Cinebench all of them are hitting 100 percent on their limits, but not on Prime95, there they are hitting 80 percent while TDC is at 100. 15V During CB23 multicore runs. PBO PPT 180 / TDC 140 / EDC 180. Actually got decent results:Observe TDC, EDC and PPT values and check what % of the max you are hitting. But this was before I fully understood. Arctic Liquid Freezer II 360 Samsung 970 Evo plus 500GB Samsung 960 Evo 250GB Lexar NM610 pro 2TB Crucial P1 1TB Gigabyte Rx 6600, 8GB. Is there anything else I could try?. This seemingly small difference gave me max temps in the high 70s AND slightly higher benchmark scores. if you where to get those speeds with your cpu running at 0 curve limiter, the temps would be even higher. Your TDC of 100 is slightly higher than 95, but it isn't high enough to cause. It's similar to what adjusting the TDC/EDC/PPT would do, but additionally it also shifts the entire management window to match, so the whole algorithm is based around the configured TDP value, which can be beneficial since it moves everything at once, but also some parameters that are internal to the SMU which aren't user controlled like when. Thank you just got r9 5900x i have tuf 570x w plus Thermaltake 360 and with good cool settings 😎 is perfect base 4. Then you divide that by the numeric designation of the current day of the week. Buy whichever fits your use case better. That result is your PPT (most of the time!). +150mhz for example would raise that Limit to 5 ghz. Mode 1 i. I set Auto OC to 150 to get it to boost to 5GHz, and I've been thinking about messing around with it to see if I can max it out. Reply more replies. I set Auto OC to 150 to get it to boost to 5GHz, and I've been thinking about messing around with it to see if I can max it out. I'm guessing that 200Mhz auto OC on the 5700X is around 4. Regarding PPT/TDC/EDC, start by lowering one of the them (by 10-20) and compare the performance in Cinebench R23 multcore for example, to see how much the performance dips as you lower each value. If you want the exact same performance that AMD claims and what reviewers are getting, then don't lower PPT, TDC, EDC But lowering those values is the most direct way to lower temperatures. 2GHz all core load, 4. 7,进去系统以后打游戏最高4. 53 GHz, mine is only boosting to around 4. Then hit the CPU with yCruncher again after you have lowered TDC by a few numbers. So 58. I lowered the PPT to 105W, which yielded a max of about 1. 4 x 12 = 700,8. Yup PPT TDC and EDC. First of all if you decrease PPT, EDC and TDC you decrease the performance of your CPU. 275 and has shown 4. 55 Ghz with an average all core clockspeed of around 4. Ryzen 7 5800X Custom EK Loop CPU OC to 4. AMD 5800x Gigabyte X570s Aorus Master Rev. It won’t put out those numbers even under the hardest of loads, but it will get your cpu to boost in all aspects. PPT, TDC, EDC set to manual (220w, 160a, 165a) (I am limited by temps. When i switch to motherboard limits PPT AND TDC shoot way up (PPT 500/TDC 210) but EDC stays at 130. 16v Negative vcore offset of -50mv and set also a negative frequency offset of -100mhz This should give you huge boost clocks in games and pull only 125W. I don't think changing my PBO limits in my BIOS settings is doing anything. My first 5800x liked 183a and my current one likes 175a. Electrical Design Current (“EDC”): The maximum current (amps) that can be delivered by a specific motherboard’s voltage regulator configuration in a peak (“spike”) condition for a short period of. I've done some research on the internet and apparently out of all cpu's from the new series, this one is specificly 15-20 C hotter than the others, sadly. #1 Greetings, I have just inaugurated a new pc with a Ryzen 5800x (stock settings, I haven't changed anything). Honestly super happy with the chip now, the 120w PPT was a huge difference, can stay sub 70c if I run 110/115w with a couple of hundred. AMD RyZen R7 5800X @4750MHz 1. PPT = 110w TDC. Bellow is screenshot comparing what HWinfo shows and what Ryzen Master shows. CPU: Cooling: PPT/TDC/EDC: PBO Curve: PBO OC MHz: Stock CB R23 Multi score / Max temperature: Stock CB R23 Multi score / Max temperature:. Ryzen 7 5800X MSI Mag X570 Tomahawk Wifi Bios 7C84v17. 35 2. EDIT: I think i found the answer. 3 while running CB23 multi and temps are hitting 98c . Elric2082 • 2 yr. Here, I’m referring to the three major power settings – PPT, TDC and EDC. But again when changeing the PBO settings you will need to stresstest. Is there anyw. I lowered the PPT to 105W, which yielded a max of about 1. I currently run 140 PPT, 90 TDC, 140 EDC, but had 125W PPT before and that worked fine too, just more around 15500 in r23). So 58. I like that Zen 3 performs great right out of the box while there's still room for tweaking and eeking out a little better performance and better performance/watt. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6. On AGESA 1. 05v. 04375 offset and LL2, ASUS Perf Enhancement on, PBO FMax Optimizer off, c-states disabled although could likely turn it on with a. 0. Not open for further replies. EDC 99% of 90A Limit 168A. The cpu will notify you of its threshold by throttling in which case scaling PPT and EDC down is indicated. 0. Setting the PPT, TDC and EDC in a well balanced value is extremely important, this will help you strike the balance between the power consumption needed by the CPU while maintaining realistic temperatures. In HWiNFO you can see the usage, and what percent of the limit they are at, in the same. I'm guessing that 200Mhz auto OC on the 5700X is around 4. #1 Greetings, I have just inaugurated a new pc with a Ryzen 5800x (stock settings, I haven't changed anything). Under an NH-D15 with PBO off, it hits 142W and hits 90°C even running Cinebench, never mind something like prime95. Your CPU works at around 1,3V. Mar 16, 2023 #4 Barak9006 said:. Best single core score I have had so far, with much lower volts and very sensible temps. See more. The 5800X has the same PPT/EDC/TDC as the 5900X and the 5950X but concentrates all of that heat on ONE CCD, so it's no wonder that it runs the hottest out of the entire line. And that's what makes me wonder. default: 142W ppt, 95A tdc, 140A edc. Jun 15, 2021. 0. What i found when tuning OC for my 5800X is a high AutoOC boost frequency can harm performance in Cinebench benchmarks, I limit to 100Mhz. So 58. 8). I'm guessing that 200Mhz auto OC on the 5700X is around 4. Just change Precision Boost Overdrive part to manual and input custom PPT, TDC and EDC values.